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Tony Neaville
I'm new to Visual Cron and I'm trying to understand why I see Last Run time set to MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS but when I go look at Task Result, the time is 2 hours ahead or our server time. I believe it has to do with the UTC Diff value in Server Info -> Environment but I do not know how or where this is set. Is it set by User? My desktop is set to MST and the server is CDT at the moment so this is fine and understood. I know the server time is 2 hours ahead of my current time but when I look at the Task Result it's even 2 hours ahead of the server time. It's not urgent, just a quirk I'm trying to understand. I searched the on-line documentation and while I see a reference to Server Info, I can't find information on the UTC offset and UTC diff values. UTC offset is self explanatory as CDT is -5 hours from UTC but the UTC diff is not understood by me.
Forum information
Pretty sure this is not something that is set anywhere in the settings. At least, we haven't specified this anywhere. If you go to variables -> Date variables -> Date/time, do you see the same 2 hour difference there?
My team noticed this recently when we moved Visualcron from a server using local time to a server using UTC. As far as we can tell, the Task Result window applies the offset between server and local time twice.

The "execution time" while a job or task is running also displays as having the offset added to it, which is funny but hasn't really been problematic or confused anyone.

If not for the header/policy (since sometime around the SMA acquisition):


Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

or maybe if Visualcron's Zendesk were publicly browsable (by default, that is...back when Visualcron handled a lot of support through the forum, I think Zendesk or something similar was still involved for things that needed to be more private), I probably would have reported this already, but...with their Zendesk apparently locked down so that end users have to interact with it via email instead of the web interface, and tickets being private so that other users can't contribute to or benefit from the conversation (at least, unless it results in a fix in a future release), the motivation to go to that much effort for such a minor benefit just wasn't there.
Tony Neaville
I finally found it and appears to be a minor bug in the GUI for Task Result. I changed my virtual desktop date/time to CST/CDT and it's back in sync again. I agree with bweston. It's applying the UTC offset to the job execution time. No big deal that I understand it now but the Task Result should match the date/time in the Log History and Job Result.
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