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I have a task that sets user variable to {LOGIC(If|Integer|{TASK(0dd9aed2-9db3-43ea-801d-dd827c6ef92e|ExitCode)}|==|0|0|)}

This task has worked fine for years, but now I'm getting this error:

Unhandled error in SetVariable: System.Exception: Variable object types mismatch
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskVariableSetClass.ReadServer() in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\Internal\Variables\clsProcessTaskVariableSet.vb:line 87

The Task ExitCode value referenced by the variable is: 0
Forum information
Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: jbedard 

I have a task that sets user variable to {LOGIC(If|Integer|{TASK(0dd9aed2-9db3-43ea-801d-dd827c6ef92e|ExitCode)}|==|0|0|)}

This task has worked fine for years, but now I'm getting this error:


Unhandled error in SetVariable: System.Exception: Variable object types mismatch
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskVariableSetClass.ReadServer() in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\Internal\Variables\clsProcessTaskVariableSet.vb:line 87

The Task ExitCode value referenced by the variable is: 0


Apologize for the long delay on response on this. Could you please send an email to and provide details, what changed (if you upgraded for example) and screenshots of the task settings and the exception error
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