can you get the sql query to output a "success"?
So, when X is found what does the output from that task look like? That would be step 1.
Step 2 could be you have two tasks, the query then a second task, maybe you write out the result, date, time, etc to a log or maybe you send an email or whatever
For task 2 to run you could setup a condition where if task #1 = success then Task #2 runs otherwise task 1 runs again.
We really need more information. Like when do you want this to run, every day or week or ten minutes? Either way, you could use a condition to determine if task #2 runs and task #2 could then end the job until it is scheduled to run again.
Optionally, and maybe better, would be to set your Flow so that your output drives what happens next
On Complete - Look at output, then do some thing like run again, go to another task, etc
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