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fabrizio carboni
Ciao at all,
Problem: charge product images for each product with the same name.
Think at product code Article1, for this article I've 4 images (one for side) Front, Left, Right, Back,
To put the image on my ERP they must have the same name as the article, but in this mode the 2nd image overwrite the 1th nd so on.
The unique solution that I thik are insert all article images into on PDF and rename it with the same name of article (into my ERP I can put some file types as img, pdf,.. but not zip
Forum information
Originally Posted by: fabrizio carboni 

Ciao at all,
Problem: charge product images for each product with the same name.
Think at product code Article1, for this article I've 4 images (one for side) Front, Left, Right, Back,
To put the image on my ERP they must have the same name as the article, but in this mode the 2nd image overwrite the 1th nd so on.
The unique solution that I thik are insert all article images into on PDF and rename it with the same name of article (into my ERP I can put some file types as img, pdf,.. but not zip

Hi Fabrizio,

It is not clear to me what you want to achieve, could you line it up step by step please?

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fabrizio carboni
Ciao Michael,
I would to have one file pdf with 3-4 images, but I can't know how to start,
I think that I need to convert each images to pdf file and then union the PDF files into one unique file.

fabrizio carboni
Solution found
1st convert each image Task: PDF - Convert
2nd Union PDF Task: PDF - Concatenate.

That it's exactly what I was looking for,
the PDF Task are on the bottom into my task drop-down and that's why I couldn't see them.

Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: fabrizio carboni 

Solution found
1st convert each image Task: PDF - Convert
2nd Union PDF Task: PDF - Concatenate.

That it's exactly what I was looking for,
the PDF Task are on the bottom into my task drop-down and that's why I couldn't see them.


Ah, great! Good that you managed to find the solution on your own.
onridiko diko
I have a pdf file and i want to convert into docx file
how to do it?
onridiko diko
I have a PDF file and I want to convert it into a docx file
how to do it? 
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