I have upgraded from VisualCron 8.x.x. to 9.9.6
I have a number of Jobs with SQL Tasks that are using with ODBC or OLEDB DSN client connections.
After a while I noticed that the Running Jobs dialog had a number of Jobs / Tasks that were not completing. I saw that they were all Jobs with SQL Tasks.
The Status says Running - 99%. The Run Time was 12+ hours. These tasks should complete in a few seconds or a few minutes. They were working prior to the upgrade.
I started checking out the Timeout settings on these tasks add applying one if not already set. However I believe some of the Tasks did already have a Timeout set which is not being triggered. ie the Jobs are stalling on these Tasks and not completing (some Jobs are a mixture of these SQL tasks as well as other types of tasks).
When I open these Connections in Connect Manager, I get a dialog with an empty drop down control labelled Data Provider and a red exclamation icon attached.
I tried creating a connection from scratch and I see that there is some different UI and settings for Database connections.
However even the re-made database connection appears to have the same issue.
Also it is possible that some of the Tasks have been completing since the upgrade, I cannot determine what the difference is between a failing or succeeding task. I have used either the Text or the Stored Procedure option on the Task depending on what I needed or what I could get to work in the previous version.
Please let me know if there is a specific version of the ADS ODBC or OLEDB driver which is compatible with VisualCron or it there is any other trick to get these Tasks to work. I am having trouble finding a log or event in Visual Cron or Windows which admits there is a problem with the database connections and with a possible hint to resolve.
At this stage I am looking at moving these tasks to a PHP script and calling them as HTTP tasks.
Thank you
Kim Groves