This was working yesterday. It is just a list files task
Exception in RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.TPCResult is null. Original error: RaiseExceptionStatic error: TaskProcess.Task.Stats is null. Original error: ( Exception for Task 'L ' was ignored due to OnError setting (R Task '{0}' with id '{1}' has been paused.T Task '{0}' with id '{1}' has been resumed. client_id={0}$ &client_secret={0}$ &refresh_token={0}2 &grant_type=refresh_token( Error in get token: 0 HTTP Task->Cookie name: Error doing on URL: Bearer < Error at executing HTTP task: R HTTP Task->GetResponse->Found file name: L HTTP Task->GetResponse->Found header: : Error getting HTTP response: __VIEWSTATE value="h /wEPDwUKMTI1NTM1OTg3M2RkjzgXr5digtE3PPJ0sWHgcYnbfLQ=X HTTP Task->More than 0 file found in filter!L HTTP Task->No file was found for key: > Execute Task->Unhandled error: B Could not get PID or ModuleName: P Could not set working directory, error: LogonUser result: {3} hUserToken: {0}, hUserTokenEx: {1}, Desktop: {2} (| Process execute status - processStarted: {0}, processId: {1} (J StatisticsAPI.ProcessStarted->Start (L Error on set affinity value for Task: @ Could not start process, error: ä Could not start process as another user. The username, password or domain was incorrect. Please check your values." - service user: D , member of Administrators group: StartBackgroundProcess->Error at telling the process to wait for exit: N StatisticsAPI.ProcessFinished - start (T StatisticsAPI.ProcessFinished - complete (D stdOutpTaskக " " exited with code:, CurrentProcess is null: Could not kill process, err: Closing desktop handles (N CloseDesktopHandles->IC.Desktop is ZeroL CloseDesktopHandles->IC.WinSta is Zero> CloseDesktopHandles->IC is null \\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2J Management Connect to remote machine as user B failed with the following error Win32_Process Create CommandLine returnValue: Error while starting process F creation returned an exit code of * . It was launched as on processId\ Select * from Win32_Process Where ProcessId = 4 ERROR AS WARNING: Proce