I'm trying to do a text replace on some settings to account for our moving to a new storage system.
I'm trying to replace the base path name but it's not appending the rest of the path. Is this how this is supposed to work? I feel like I'm missing something.
It seems like if I search for the text: \\nas01p\app\gis and it finds the values \\nas01p\app\gis\GISConfigs\Job Server Backups\11t Backup.zip
and then attempt to replace it with \\gis.sto.denverco.gov\test\APP I should get \\gis.sto.denverco.gov\test\APP\GISConfigs\Job Server Backups\11t Backup.zip
Instead I get \\gis.sto.denverco.gov\test\APP.
Is this a 'Works as Designed' ? Is there a way to achieve what I'm after inside VC? I can probably edit the jobs.xml but I was hoping to not do that.
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