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  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
We recently upgraded some our VisualCron servers from 9.3.0 to 9.6.5. We noticed a few differences related to cross-server VisualCron triggers. And there are some issues with those triggers.

In 9.3.0, we had a remote VisualCron connection defined with blank username and password under "Credentials". It works perfectly fine in 9.3.0. We were able to load jobs from another VisualCron server with the configured remote VisualCron connection. And some of our jobs on server A are triggered by the successful completion of another job on server B.

After the upgrade to 9.6.5, we are unable to load jobs with the old connection setting. I got this popup message when clicking "reload".
To be able to reload jobs, we had to provide a username "admin" for the connection. (We got the idea from this post https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=2950 ). Again, blank user name and password worked perfectly fine in 9.3.0, but not 9.6.5.

After saving the trigger settings, the description is automatically generated. For local VisualCron triggers, the job name is properly populated in the description. But for cross-server triggers, the job name is always "Not found".
We had to disable "auto description" and manually enter the correct job name so that the triggers are identifiable.

These two differences we noticed are not serious issues to us since we can manually update description or connection settings once to get things going. The big issue is that the cross-server triggers were not triggered properly.

We can see that "fired times" column of local server triggers increased by one after the completion of a local server job. But they are always zero for cross-server triggers. Since we have a dependency defined, the job doesn't start automatically as expected. We tried to removed the cross-server triggers on Jun 18 and things were working on that single day. The issue came back on June 21. Could you please advise how to fix this or whether we have something misconfigured in VisualCron 9.6.5?
Another thing we noticed is that an error message "6/23/2021 12:00:19 AM Err Unhandled error in InternalWorkerThread: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." is logged into log_server file once. We are unclear about the source of the error. This creates 10 MB of server log file every day. I had to view the log by logging onto the VisualCron server and check the log from there. Clicking the "log" button
Forum information
  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
We eventually downgraded our VisualCron servers back to 9.3.0.
Originally Posted by: Yabin 

We eventually downgraded our VisualCron servers back to 9.3.0.

Hi yabin,

Could you please try our latest 9.8 version and see if you can reproduce this issue?

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