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  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Currently we have several VisualCron event triggers configured in our job chain. And most of them depend on the successful completion of a VisualCron job. Is this possible to set up a trigger to monitor the successful completion of a task defined in a job? Say Job A has 20 tasks. The successful completion of all 20 tasks can trigger the start of Job B via VisualCron trigger. Is it possible to trigger the start of Job B once the 10th task defined in Job A is complete?
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Originally Posted by: Yabin 

Currently we have several VisualCron event triggers configured in our job chain. And most of them depend on the successful completion of a VisualCron job. Is this possible to set up a trigger to monitor the successful completion of a task defined in a job? Say Job A has 20 tasks. The successful completion of all 20 tasks can trigger the start of Job B via VisualCron trigger. Is it possible to trigger the start of Job B once the 10th task defined in Job A is complete?

Hi Yabin,

Yes. You can use the "VisualCron"-event trigger for this to connect the jobs/trigger by successful completions

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  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: Yabin 

Currently we have several VisualCron event triggers configured in our job chain. And most of them depend on the successful completion of a VisualCron job. Is this possible to set up a trigger to monitor the successful completion of a task defined in a job? Say Job A has 20 tasks. The successful completion of all 20 tasks can trigger the start of Job B via VisualCron trigger. Is it possible to trigger the start of Job B once the 10th task defined in Job A is complete?

Hi Yabin,

Yes. You can use the "VisualCron"-event trigger for this to connect the jobs/trigger by successful completions

Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear. We want the job to be triggered upon the successful completion of a task in another job but not the successful completion of the entire job. If it is possible, could you provide some guidance for it? Thanks a lot!
The easiest is to not use triggers, and to just call job B as step 11 in job A.
  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Originally Posted by: thomas 

The easiest is to not use triggers, and to just call job B as step 11 in job A.

Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry, I simplified the use case a little bit. In our case, we have trigger dependency defined. The start of Job B is dependent on the completion of multiple jobs. Only for Job A, we want the trigger to fire when a certain task is completed. And it is possible that job B still needs to wait for other triggers.
Joey S
Two methods

Have Job A's tasks proceed through, one at a time Only if each task is successful.

So like this
Job A
Tsk 1 - if successful go to next task
Task 2 - if successful go to next task
Task 3 - if successful go to next task
and so on
Then have Job B trigger on the successful completion of Job A. Since Job A cannot be successful without all Tasks in Job A successful Job B will not run if any fail

If Job A has 10 tasks then Job B should have 10 triggers
Each trigger is fired after the successful completion of each task in Job A
All triggers are dependent on each other so that if any of them is NOT successful then Job B's triggers do not all fire and Job B does not run

If you want to get fancy for method #2....
Create a Job C. Job C is a simple email to you (or whomever) that is going to monitor Job B. The purpose would be to give feedback of why Job B does not run
Job C
Task 1 = email including the results of all Job A tasks
Set this to run at the end Job A IF any task fails

This way you always have two jobs that always run. If Job B runs then you know all of Job A was successful. If Job C runs then you know Job B did not, or will not, run and the you have the reason why.

Originally Posted by: Yabin 

Originally Posted by: thomas 

The easiest is to not use triggers, and to just call job B as step 11 in job A.

Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry, I simplified the use case a little bit. In our case, we have trigger dependency defined. The start of Job B is dependent on the completion of multiple jobs. Only for Job A, we want the trigger to fire when a certain task is completed. And it is possible that job B still needs to wait for other triggers.

Joey contributed a couple of great suggestions, let me know if you still need help with this

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  •  Yabin
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Originally Posted by: Joey S 

Each trigger is fired after the successful completion of each task in Job A

Thanks for your reply! Is this achievable in VisualCron 9.3.0? I think that is my original question. In VisualCron, I can only see "Job completed - successfully" as an option of trigger event. image.png

Originally Posted by: Yabin 

Originally Posted by: Joey S 

Each trigger is fired after the successful completion of each task in Job A

Thanks for your reply! Is this achievable in VisualCron 9.3.0? I think that is my original question. In VisualCron, I can only see "Job completed - successfully" as an option of trigger event. image.png

Yes- it should be achievable in 9.3.0. Did you get it working?

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