Changes so far in this build:
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added multi domain/forest support for logon (VC-575)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Trigger->Added HTTP Trigger (VC-975)
[FEATURE] Client: Google Big Query->Fixed UI issues (VSPS-241)
[FEATURE] Client: Result->Created a better GIF player (VC-1954)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Variables->Added Task.Description (VC-2140)
[FEATURE] Server: Output->Added realtime output support for more Task types (VC-1652)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Dynamics CRM->Added support for Variables in Dynamics CRM Tasks (VC-2128)
[FEATURE] Client: Dark theme UI fixes (VC-2115)
[FEATURE] VCCommand: Implemented "port" argument (VC-2142)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Scan document (cloud) (VC-2122)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Object relations->Added replace from "No x" to something and the other way round (VC-1982)
[FEATURE] Server: Output->Added more result for various Tasks (VC-1997)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: PGP Keys->Added import/create features (VC-2049)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task->Fixed date validation and conversion in stored procedures (VC-2123)
[BUGFIX] Server: Log/Result->Fixed issue serializing DBNull value (VC-2137)
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro->Fixed wait element before download (VC-2109)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task->Fixed output System.XML.XMLNode[] issue (VC-2121)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Variables->Workday output format fix (VC-2144)
[BUGFIX] Server: MSMQ Trigger->Fixed issue with path (VC-2149)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Amazon S3->Added further support and changes to Amazon S3 compatible servers (VSPS-278)
[BUGFIX] Server: AMQP->Handled memory/thread leak (VC-2126)
[BUGFIX] Client: Audit log - versions->Changed default query (VC-2002)
[BUGFIX] Client: Email Task->Switched to EO browser instead of IE (VC-1980)
[BUGFIX] Client: Connections->Fixed an issue switching protocol type (VSPS-280)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Robot Task->Fixed incorrect menu item issue (VC-2158)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Robot Task->Fixed issue finding element after reboot (VC-2158)
[BUGFIX] Server: Settings->Fixed issue recovered broken settings at startup (VC-2171)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP/REST Trigger->Fixed issue with result values (VC-2167)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP Task->Fixed issue aborting Task (VC-2124)
[BUGFIX] Server: Execute Task->Fixed execution failure with combintation Credential without stdout and stderr (VC-2021)
[BUGFIX] Client: Textboxes->Fixed issue with caret position and rendering text field content(VC-2148)
[BUGFIX] Client: Output->Better switch to window (VC-2043)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP Task/Trigger->Added PATCH support (VC-2145)
[BUGFIX] Server: Scan document->Fixed crash issue aborting Task (VC-2178)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Fixed 0 kb file issue (VSPS-285)
[BUGFIX] Client: Triggers->Fixed 'specified cast' error in Trigger dependency (VC-2189)
[BUGFIX] Client: Log->Fixed non-modal crash in general log window (VC-2191)
[BUGFIX] Client: Manage servers->Fixed upgrade server issue (VC-2165)
[BUGFIX] Client: Main window/result-> Added support for 'days' in Execution time (VC-2192)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP/FTP->Fixed performance when working with many files and Variables (VSPS-286)
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud File Trigger->Fixed retry loop issues (VSPS-284)
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Added file length check and fix (VC-2180)
[BUGFIX] Server: Objects->Added limitation in scanning recursive components (VC-2181)
[BUGFIX] Client: Output/Result->Fixed positioning (VC-2196)
[BUGFIX] Client: Import->Added 'Clear settings' fix only to clear all that has something to import (VC-2174)
[BUGFIX] Client: Triggers->Fixed visibility of 'Reset Trigger dependency' (VC-2136)
[BUGFIX] Client: UI->Added main font to themes file (VC-2125)
[BUGFIX] WebClient->Fixed column resizer position (VC-2108)
[BUGFIX] WebClient->Fixed Popup Task issues (VC-2102)
[BUGFIX] Server: VMWare->Fixed fetching server name (VC-1990)
[BUGFIX] Client: Server cards->Fixed style issues (VC-2204)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Fixed issue download all files when folder does not exist (VSPS-268)
Edited by user
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