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The web macro screenshot keeps getting smaller and smaller with each 9.x update. It can be set to page window or page. Originally they were exactly that. Page was an entire page; whatever the page rendered as. Then they became the same size; both were a page sized. Now with the latest version both are small; like less than 800x600 small.
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Originally Posted by: Cylosoft 

The web macro screenshot keeps getting smaller and smaller with each 9.x update. It can be set to page window or page. Originally they were exactly that. Page was an entire page; whatever the page rendered as. Then they became the same size; both were a page sized. Now with the latest version both are small; like less than 800x600 small.

What format are you saving them as? Can you give me a sample screenshot/page you viewed when taking the screenshot?

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I don't see any options for format. It saves as PNG. Options are set to overwrite existing and to screenshot the page.

It's internal so I can't share image or task. These tasks are all made years ago. I recreated the web macro from scratch and the screenshot is working. I went into the job XML to compare them and they are really different. Even though in the editor they all appear to be the same steps.
Originally Posted by: Cylosoft 

I don't see any options for format. It saves as PNG. Options are set to overwrite existing and to screenshot the page.

It's internal so I can't share image or task. These tasks are all made years ago. I recreated the web macro from scratch and the screenshot is working. I went into the job XML to compare them and they are really different. Even though in the editor they all appear to be the same steps.

If you set the file to save it as .jpg (just writing the filename.jpg instead) does it behave the same way? Please show a screenshot of how big it is/pixel ratio/size when you right-click on the file and look at the properties.

You can mail us at with the screenshot(s) if you like

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JPG and PNG file extensions both generate the exact same image size. 784x384. It's always that size. The recreated task in the same job as this one generates a correctly sized 1020x902.

One of the one's yesterday the new task made a 1020x1631. The old task was still 784x384.

Originally Posted by: Cylosoft 

JPG and PNG file extensions both generate the exact same image size. 784x384. It's always that size. The recreated task in the same job as this one generates a correctly sized 1020x902.

One of the one's yesterday the new task made a 1020x1631. The old task was still 784x384.


So when you recreated the task the screenshot is good, or am i misunderstanding you?

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Correct. Recreated tasks work correctly. The old and new tasks look the same in VC. Steps all match exactly. But it's like the ones made in older versions of VC make these small screenshots.
Originally Posted by: Cylosoft 

Correct. Recreated tasks work correctly. The old and new tasks look the same in VC. Steps all match exactly. But it's like the ones made in older versions of VC make these small screenshots.

Thanks for the information. We've done several changes/improvements to Web macro task recently, so it could be something related to that

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