Hi Support,
I just upgraded to 9.2.5, and found a bug.
In the FTP task, you can setup a file filter for a
File Listing.
I used the regular expression for this: ^(RD|I)_[\d_]+\.out$
When i test this in the task, I get a nice list of my required files. This is what I expect in the task output.
However, if I run the task, the output contains the
FTP server header response and all the files. The name filter isn't working and the server header shouldn't be there.
Before the list of ALL the files, I see this on top of it:
Server key received (RSA). Fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
SFTP authentication successful.
Command sent: RequestAbsolutePath /
Command sent: ListDirectory /
Response received: .
That is not a file listing..
Looks like the name filter isn't working. I filter also on date and that is fine.
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Reason: Not specified
Uses Visualcron since 2006.