It seems that filecopy is extremely slow when using shares.
It even does not matter if I execute Powershell command in VisualCron, it will take time a lot.
for example 200 files about 40kb each..combined about 8 Mb.
If I run Robocopy straigh from server, it takes bit over 10 seconds. (logged in as same user as I have Credidentials in VC)
Exact same ..but executed within visualcron it takes over 6 minutes.
Normal file copy in VC takes even longer.
I tried to make mapping for the folder, but absolutely no change.
So now I'm wondering how do I get VisualCron to copy files faster...
it's also ok for me if we get around this..like I thought to go thorough powershell or execute.
Also noticed that when running through VC it takes lot time when first file is apparing in destination folder.
So Ideas?