I upgraded a test server (Windows Server 2016) from 8.5.4 to 9.0.0, and one of the jobs started having problems. The task having the issue was a List file(s) task where I set beginning and end dates based on a job variable that was set in a previous task. The same job running on our Production server (Windows Server 2012 R2) under 8.5.4 is still working.
The task is defined thus (all variables have valid values):
File Filter > Location:
Folder: {USERVAR(logFolder)}
Exclude folder(s): <blank>
Include file mask: *
Is regex: unchecked
Case sensitive: unchecked
Use file exclusion: checked
Exclude file mask: *.zip
File filter > Date:
Modified date < {DATENOWADD(Days|-{MATH(Add|Integer|-1|{JOB(Active,Variable,oldestFileAge)}|#0)}|M/d/yyyy 00:00:00)}
Modified date > {DATENOWADD(Days|-{JOB(Active,Variable,oldestFileAge)}|M/d/yyyy 00:00:00)}
Validate dates before saving: checked.
The goal of this task is to list all files that are not .zip files, which have a modified date between 12 AM on the oldest file's date and 12 AM on the next day.
Opening this task and attempting to re-save it produces the following error:
Field 'Newer than' value is an invalid date. Try matching accepted server format: 12/16/2019 1:29 PM
I've tried changing the formula to things like "{DATENOWADD(Days|-{JOB(Active,Variable,oldestFileAge)}|M/d/yyyy)} 12:00 AM", but am still getting the error. So far, the only thing that has not thrown the error is setting the field to a constant like "12/16/2019 12:00 AM".
What can I try?