Hi LloydMcDaniel, welcome to the forum!
What you can do here is:
- FTP List file task, only showing files from last few days
- (loop start) FTP download task, downloading current loop filename
- (loop end) File Write task writing the downloaded filename in a file
The loop loops over all the filenames from task nr 1.
On task 2 and 3, there is a condition checking if the loop filename is in the file from task 3. If so the action is Next, if not in there, the action is Continue.
That should do the trick (as I'm doing it also this way)
[EDIT]This is only for new files, you could use this kind of meganism to store also the size or date and check that also (more complicated)[/EDIT]
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Reason: Not specified
Uses Visualcron since 2006.