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  •  tccl
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi there,

I have jobs that depends on both time and file triggers, which sends out success emails upon completion; we have also set error/failure email notifications for jobs that start and don't complete.

Is there a way to setup an email notification for jobs that are supposed to run at a certain time but do not trigger/start at all? We've had instances where we didn't realize a job didn't run until several hours later because the file wasn't received and thus the trigger didn't fire.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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Originally Posted by: tccl 

Hi there,

I have jobs that depends on both time and file triggers, which sends out success emails upon completion; we have also set error/failure email notifications for jobs that start and don't complete.

Is there a way to setup an email notification for jobs that are supposed to run at a certain time but do not trigger/start at all? We've had instances where we didn't realize a job didn't run until several hours later because the file wasn't received and thus the trigger didn't fire.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!


I moved your topic to "Feature requests" as we currently do not support this feature. Could you explain a little more in depth how you'd like this function to work. Like, if you have any suggestion or idea we can pass on to the developers on what the feature would react to when triggering that the "job isnt started", if you understand what I mean.

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The way we deal with this is to have a separate error handler job which has a time trigger. So for example if no file was received by 16:30 then that trigger fires. The second job's trigger is disabled if the first one is successful and is re-enabled at the start of every day.
  •  tccl
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Originally Posted by: al355 

The way we deal with this is to have a separate error handler job which has a time trigger. So for example if no file was received by 16:30 then that trigger fires. The second job's trigger is disabled if the first one is successful and is re-enabled at the start of every day.

Thanks for the reply! Does this mean that if we have 20 primary jobs where we want to be notified if a file trigger doesn't arrive, we have to setup 20 separate, secondary jobs that will handle the errors? Or do you mean that each of the 20 primary jobs will have a task-handling error that is nested within each job?

Sorry for the trouble. I'd just like to clarify. Thanks again!
The way we do it would mean you have 20 secondary jobs that handle the errors.
The way we handle our miss jobs is through variables and conditions. Say a variable whose value is a date. The job that is suppose to run (say when the file arrives) will also change the variable to today's date. Then a separate job runs with a time trigger and a condition to check if the variable is today's date, and if not then send an email saying the job is missed.

Ideally it would be nice to have VC have this type of check built in.
i think we need this feature too.

I need to be notified when a job did not execute, or is delayed from execution.

say for example, i have a series of jobs dependent on the previous job. example jobs 1 then to 2 then to 3 then to 4 and 5. The first job executes at 1pm then each job will take roughly an hour. but i need job 5 to run before or exactly at 5pm. if i missed the deadline i need to be notified.

or at least something like

if yesterday a job finished around 5pm; and today it's already 5:01 and it is still not executing - send a notification

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