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I have a time exception set for a report so that it doesn't run most days, as it is triggered by a certain job completing successfully. The last 2 days I have made sure that the time exception was turned on before I left for the day. And the last 2 mornings when I come in it is shut off. Is there a reason it would be auto shutting off? This worries me as we use time exceptions for maintenance windows and if they are not working then what is the point of them

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If you look in the Server->Audit Log for this Job - is there anyone that is changing the Job?
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No there is not. I can turn on the exception, close out of the exception window. And when I go back in (almost immediately after closing out of the exception window only), the exception is unchecked. It's like I need to leave the main exception window open to keep them turned on.
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

No there is not. I can turn on the exception, close out of the exception window. And when I go back in (almost immediately after closing out of the exception window only), the exception is unchecked. It's like I need to leave the main exception window open to keep them turned on.

Strange thing is that there is no functionality that turns off a Time exception - other than manual. Did you check the Audit log? Then you can see when it happened and by who.
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yes, I am the only one who has done anything to the specific time exception. It does not show in, in the audit log, when the exception is turned off or on just that the exception or collection was updated.


Here is an image of the time exception. As you can see, it is checked to be on. As soon as I close out the window, it will turn it off. It stays checked in the job, but not in the time exceptions interface on the main GUI.
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

yes, I am the only one who has done anything to the specific time exception. It does not show in, in the audit log, when the exception is turned off or on just that the exception or collection was updated.


Here is an image of the time exception. As you can see, it is checked to be on. As soon as I close out the window, it will turn it off. It stays checked in the job, but not in the time exceptions interface on the main GUI.

Oh, there is a misunderstanding then. Time Execptions are global. You check it in the Jobs that you want to use. The purpose of checking it in the Time exceptions window is just if you want to manipulate them in any way (like deleting). What do you really want to do?
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I want that time exception to work. The report is only supposed to run on Tuesdays after a specific job is finished. With the time exception "on" in the report job, it is still running every day. The job it is dependent on runs every morning.

Each of the days in the exception (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun) have all hours/min/sec checked. Did I set them up wrong?

That's how it is supposed to be. Unchecked in the main menu, and checked in the relevant jobs.
Originally Posted by: thomas 

That's how it is supposed to be. Unchecked in the main menu, and checked in the relevant jobs.

That is how I have it set up and it is still running the report when it should not.

The question is then, what triggers the job? Have you set it up like this?

1) Some job A runs every day. When completed it triggers job B
2)You have a time exception on job B, to prevent it from running on any other day than tuesday

If this is how you have set it up, it won't work with time exceptions
Originally Posted by: thomas 

The question is then, what triggers the job? Have you set it up like this?

1) Some job A runs every day. When completed it triggers job B
2)You have a time exception on job B, to prevent it from running on any other day than tuesday

If this is how you have set it up, it won't work with time exceptions

Yes that is how I have it set up.
ok. Time exception will only work on jobs that are triggered by a time trigger. So a job that runs every day at 16:00, can have time exception for eg weekends/holidays. That will work. If a job is triggered from some other job, or manually, it will run regardless. I don't have the time to test it, but this could work (maybe)

Instead of calling job B from A, add a trigger on job B like this:


Maybe this way of doing it, respects time exceptions, but I am not sure. Have to go now, maybe support can answer this.

Originally Posted by: thomas 

ok. Time exception will only work on jobs that are triggered by a time trigger. So a job that runs every day at 16:00, can have time exception for eg weekends/holidays. That will work. If a job is triggered from some other job, or manually, it will run regardless. I don't have the time to test it, but this could work (maybe)

Instead of calling job B from A, add a trigger on job B like this:


Maybe this way of doing it, respects time exceptions, but I am not sure. Have to go now, maybe support can answer this.

Actually they work on Event Triggers too but if you use Job/Task control it forces execution of Job even though it uses Time exception. However, if you use VisualCron Trigger it should not execute if there is a matching Time exception. Is that not what you experience?
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I set up what Thomas had suggested and will find out tomorrow if it works.

Thanks for all the help.
It worked! This morning the report job did not run after the load job. Tuesday will be the real determiner on success as the report should run on Tuesday. But so far it seems to be working now.

Thanks everyone!
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