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Jamie Jensen
I've got a task that uploads files to an SFTP server. I created an email task to emails the results of the job that is supposed to include the results of the upload. The output is truncated. Is this normal or have I done something incorrectly with the email variables?

The variable I've used in the email body is {TASK(08b0a3b6-634d-4511-ad3a-345abf4aec73|StdOut)}
When using the variable button at the bottom of the email task I've checked the Preview Variable value button and get the following as a result.

Server key received (RSA). Fingerprint is a5:93:3b:c9:3f:74:6f:2c:3e:df:d9:41:10:24:39:42
SFTP hello message received: Welcome to the Gateway Interchange SSH server.
Password **** sent.
SFTP authentication successful.
4/8/2019 2:21:48 PM Command sent: RequestAbsolutePath /XC3614P/PWI_W_DCG_F00080G
4/8/2019 2:21:48 PM Command sent: ListDirectory /XC3614P/PWI_W_DCG_F00080G
4/8/2019 2:21:48 PM Response received: System.Collections.ArrayList
Command sent: ListDirectory /XC3614P/PWI_W_DCG_F00080G
Response received:

However, the resultant email contains only the following.

Server key received (RSA). Fingerprint is a5:93:3b:c9:3f:74:6f:2c:3e:df:d9:41:10:24:39:42


Thanks for any assistance,
Jamie Jensen

Forum information
Which version are you using now? I recall there was some issue with output of SFTP in a previous version - can you please upgrade?
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