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Since the later versions of VisualCron (currently running VC 5.2.2), we have experienced that the attachments to notification mails are simply lost in the setup, and thus not attached to the email.
We use notifications to attach the VC log file in case of an error, and it has previously worked fine.

The symptoms are that the "File path" field in the Attachments tab just go blank from day to day without out human interfering.
We use the following values:
Folder: C:\Program Files\VisualCron\log
Include file mask: log_server{DATEFORMAT(yyyMMdd)}.txt (for todays log)

Are there any conditions which should cause VisualCron to delete this field, or reset it to something different?

The problem has existed for some weeks now, and today is the 4th time I enter the above values.
And notice that sometimes it works fine, the log is attached correctly, but then suddenly some day the field is emptied and we no longer get the log.

I have enclosed a part of the log file from when an error occurs, and it tries to send an email:

24-07-2009 19:00:55 Err Error at UploadFTPFiles: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 550) (550 No members found.
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Commands done
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Before dispose
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Disposing timer
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Trying to disconnect
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Stopping watch
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Before GetOutput
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Before RaiseTaskCompleted
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Info Task completed: FTP and Delete Files - Upload - To IBM ( (3305)
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Setting previous task in TaskProcessCompleted: FTP and Delete Files - Upload - To IBM ( (b27c3e72-21d5-4184-911d-30f4addc4c29) in job: Udbetaling til IBM (USPECPOS)
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Process status - About to SendTaskProcess (3305)
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Process status - About to RemoveTaskProcess (3305)
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Task (3305) was removed from processlist: FTP and Delete Files - Upload - To IBM (
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Running File Notification: 'Append FTP/SFTP Log (C:\Scripts\Logs\VisualCron\log_files{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.txt)'
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Running Email Notification: 'Error notification til drift'
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Running File Notification: 'Append FTP/SFTP Log (C:\Scripts\Logs\VisualCron\log_files{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.txt)'
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Err Email report error, error: OpenSmtp.Mail.SmtpException: ERROR - Expecting: 250. Recieved: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address

at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.CheckForError(String s, String successCode)
at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.SendRecipientList(NetworkStream& nwstream, ArrayList recipients)
at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.SendMail(MailMessage msg)
at vBN59CEXQdxuoSBux7.WKN5Fb2gDMUB8aeePf.p8CiKwBLW(VariableReplacerClass )
24-07-2009 19:00:55 Debug Running Email Notification: 'Send besked om job skal køres manuelt!'

Best regards,
Forum information
It seems a bit fishy. What is important to know is that settings have changed from version 4 to 5. So, we are trying to convert old settings whenever the VisualCron loads settings.

Are the settings removed after restarting VisualCron service?
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Ya, it appears that the problem is related to a service restart. I just tested.

We have a weekly reboot of the server, which is why the problem occurs.
So that bug is now isolated.

Still, there are reported errors in the log when sending notifications. This error is posted above, and maybe it's not related to the attachment problem, but it should be attended to. :)

The SMTP error appears to be related to the fact that the notification is sent to separate emails separated by semicolon.

24-07-2009 19:00:55 Err Email report error, error: OpenSmtp.Mail.SmtpException: ERROR - Expecting: 250. Recieved: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address

at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.CheckForError(String s, String successCode)
at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.SendRecipientList(NetworkStream& nwstream, ArrayList recipients)
at OpenSmtp.Mail.Smtp.SendMail(MailMessage msg)
at vBN59CEXQdxuoSBux7.WKN5Fb2gDMUB8aeePf.p8CiKwBLW(VariableReplacerClass )
We will look at this and probably post an update tonight (along with the ignoring of replycode for LIST command).

About the error. It seems to be the value you use for recipient that is not a valid email. What value do you use?
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We use two working adresses separated by a semicolon:;

(I have removed the real adresses to avoid unecessary spam)

And funny enough, both recipients receive the email despite the error entry.

Maybe you have 2 Notifications there (on Task or Job) and one is wrong?
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holy shit and fuck me yellow. you're right.

Apparently my colleague added a falsy notification of a specific task.
I gave him a bonk and apologize for wasting your time on that specific matter.
Please test 5.3.0. regarding both the FTP and this error. It is available in the beta-forum.
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