We are using grafana and influxdb on our windows servers.
But neither of these can run as a service on windows, they can be started from cli and then they will just log output to the cli forever.
Now I was trying to set it up in visualcron that they start on machine startup and then visualcron can forget about them as they never end.
So I have 2 processes which start from cli and which never exit...
But is this possible? Because I have tried with shell execution and/or timeout and then continue with next, but whatever i do it will just start the first one, keep that one running and never start the second one.
Currently I have disabled on the job the setting : "Run tasks in order" But this also doesn't feel ideally, because now i have 2 programs which are forever running and i don't know if visualcron will encounter a problem if a program is running for example for a month...
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