Hi osirisja and Gary_W,
I think I stumbled on to a work around.. While I still believe an enhancement would be useful
List Files Task that outputs the file list (used in the next step to count that there are 5 files)
Condition Set on List Files Tasks that has 5 conditions, each one looking for a FALSE condition for that file name.
If Match Any or Match All - go to a task that notifies stakeholders and skips over the rest of the tasks in that job (no error, but does not proceed, and notifies which is not as good but will do in a pinch)
If Match none - continue
If none of the conditions in the Condition set were false we go to the next task. That task has a condition set that first checks the file count using a variable from the List Files Task, or could use previous task variable
Value 1: Variable {TASK(c9d4042d-6b55-4387-8ae9-db48cee08e32,Result.NoFiles)}
Type: Int32 Equals (=)
Value 2: 5
If Match Any or Match All - Continue
If Match none - go to a task that notifies stakeholders and skips over the rest of the tasks in that job (no error, but does not proceed, and notifies which is not as good but will do in a pinch)
The first condition set validates that there is at least one file of each "flavor", but there may be more than one of each flavor, which is why the second condition set checks for a count of 5
This is a work around, the biggest issue is that it does not fail the job or track an error. Which is why we still need a feature enhancement.
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