We're seeing a bunch of event viewer errors that are generated multiple times a second for the VisualCronService. The event id is 0 and the error message is:
GetMaxJobInstance->Failed with error: System.FormatException: Unrecognized Guid format. at System.Guid.GuidResult.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String failureMessageID, Object failureMessageFormatArgument, String failureArgumentName, Exception innerException) at System.Guid.TryParseGuid(String g, GuidStyles flags, GuidResult& result) at System.Guid..ctor(String g) at OBOKIIHBDBPMCFALPGECCIFHCDJPEDKODDGK.NFMCAMDOGBCBCKKAEOJICMPGMOLBJPKAAHOI.IOMCEHALENFPHACPMPCMCFCJGCKDCHLNFFIH(SqlConnection , String , Int32 )
I've searched these forums and online but can't find anything as to what would be cause visualcron to log this to the event viewer. Any suggestions?