Hi, I am using VisualCron 8.2.5 and I am new as a user. I want to read an Excel file and then fill in specific form fields on a website.
I have used the command Excel - Get cell to read the file's data. I used web macro to capture the steps and everything seems to work fine. When I press "play" and the steps get to the point where the page contains the date fields it waits, as if no data have been entered. The fields contain jscript. I have tried to write the date on my own during the record process and also to use the date picker. First I want to know how can I capture the input on those fields. Second I want to ask you how can I give on the fields the value of a parameter?
If I navigate to the steps, find the start date field and press Edit, then on the source tab, relative field is the following : #ctl00_ctl00_SystemContentPane_ContentPlaceHolderContent_WizardEnterAbsence_RadDatePickerStartDate_dateInput
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