Doesn`t appear to be that easy.
I`ve created a new user (not member of the administrators group), given it full access to the VC install folder, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\isx" and "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys", but it still fails. The visualcron service runs, but initializing socket server fails.
The startuplog reads:
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Starting up
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Prepare interaction
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Prepare XML writer settings
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Create directories
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Clean temp files
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Startup function called
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Debug Loading settings
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info VisualCron - Server: 5.1.1 - build: 22112 - protocol: 5.1.0
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info Error at ReadRegistry: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at wiOlfvaEUwMS7f9rvIZ.3Oca8Da3pU49UK3Q3AM.89MHTckwR(String , Object )
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info Error at WriteRegistry: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at wiOlfvaEUwMS7f9rvIZ.3Oca8Da3pU49UK3Q3AM.R5Q1rWcYp(String , Object )
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Debug Loading license file
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug License file was succesfully loaded
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug Saving license file
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug License file was saved successfully
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Info License status: Trial
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Info Days left for trial: 0 (1901-01-01 00:00:00)
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug Loading language
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug Variables file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Info No Certificates loaded, file not found
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug FTP connections file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug Loading users
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Info Loaded: 3 users(s)
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Info No Conditions loaded, file not found
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug PGP Key Rings file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Time exceptions file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Network credentials file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Notifications file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Network Drives file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Loading jobs
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Loaded: 5 job(s)
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Expiring old triggers
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Searching for jobs that should have been executed
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Running missed jobs between 07.05.2009 16:31:31 and 07.05.2009 16:31:45
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Recalculating all jobs
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Starting main threads
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was started
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Flushing memory
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Startup finished
07.05.2009 16:31:46 Err Could not create or remove certificates: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Open(OpenFlags flags)
at m3JptoaBjScV3wAPguf.55u53oaMCLgVKDH0OVu.89MHTckwR()
07.05.2009 16:31:46 Err Could not start socket server - error loading certificate.
Since I blow at programming I have no idea what the .NET exceptions mean. I do understand they try to access the registry, but that`s it.
Could you tell me what it`s actually trying to do?