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I am trying to upload a file to an external sFTP. When I upload the file through the Explorer in VisualCron i get the output in the attached image. It will go through the authentication messages and say the following:

Authentication type 16 failed
Authentication succeeded

I am then able to upload the file through the Explorer. However in the sFTP task the following error message cause the task to stop and not upload:

sFTP Task Output
Authentication failed for type 16
Exception in Task: System.Exception: Failed to upload file: c:\test\We.csv, err: Bad message
Exception in Task: System.Exception: No file(s) uploaded

How can I get the sFTP task to upload the file and not fail when it receives that message? My WinSCP sFTP client is also able to connect and upload the file so I don't think this error should be stopping the task.

Forum information
Try unchecking "Auto authentication" along with unchecking "Password authentication" in the Connection. The problem could also be that password or username is wrong.
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I've done both of those things and neither works. The username and password cannot be incorrect because I'm using the same exact connection in the explorer.

The explorer works but the task doesn't with the same connection. Why?
Then it is about the Task settings. Could you share some screenshots?
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So we unchecked all On Error options except for "No file(s) uploaded". The task then ran to completion. It looks like the file is being uploaded but we cannot see any details in our log (shown below). Can we assume that if "No File(s) uploaded" is selected then we can be assured that at least one files is uploaded? Our other sFTP tasks list the files that were uploaded but this one doesn't.

One thing we'd like to see in the logs is what files were done. We have logging turned on for the connection but this is all we get. Is there any way to get more detail
sFTP Output:
Server key received (DSA). Fingerprint is

sFTP Error Output:
Authentication failed for type 16

I just double checked the settings and "No Files Upload" wasn't checked the first time. This task is still failing. It looks like after it gets the "Authentication type 16 failed" the task stops running.

Here are the settings for the task. Let me know if more information is needed to get this task to complete.

Here are all the relevant screenshots form the task and connection
TaskMainSettings.png ConnectionAuthentication.png
TaskFTPList.png sftpUploadSettings.png
sFtpMainSettings.png ConnectionEncryption.png
sftpFileFilter.png ConnectionMainSettings.png
ConnectionLog.png ConnectionExtraSettings.png
Try unchecking "Auto authentication" and uncheck "Public key authentication".
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When we uncheck auto authenticate and change it to public key we get the following error:

Private key file not found in SFTP Task (). Please make sure that the file is located on a local path and not a network drive.Authentication failed for type 16
Exception in Task: System.Exception: No file(s) uploaded
Any updates on this? At this point it seems like the VisualCron sFTP task is broken and now we will have to right a task to use a separate command line sFTP instead which is not desirable.
We are currently implementing a brute force tool to determine connection settings. However, in your situation this is probably not the case. What seems to be the problem is the upload settings and I assume it is something about the Variables.

Have you tried to hard code the values instead of using Variables?

Are you able to share connection settings?

Can you provide a screenshot of the SFTP explorer once connected so we can see folder and files?
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Unfortunately this is a production account and I cannot share the username and password. In a previous post I shared ~10 screenshots of all the settings being used.

I've included a screenshot of the explorer working. The error from the sFTP task has already been posted on this thread.

Success Through Explorer
It is complaining about the private key not being found.

1. have you tried the Explorer from the server machine (not remote connect)
2. is the private key file path on the local drive of the server?
3. if password auth is being used then please uncheck "Auto authentication" and Public key authentication checkbox
4. in the Task try without the Variables

Please let us know the result
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1. Yes, I used the explorer while logged into the actual machine and the Explorer works. It gives the same error as before but proceeds to connect anyway.
2. We are not using a public/private key
3. Password auth is being used and we've tested with and without auto authentication
4. Same result occurred without variables

Any timeline for a fix for this?

It looks like at this point I'll have to write a batch program that uses winscp. While definitely not desirable its better than nothing.

Originally Posted by: BSetegn 

1. Yes, I used the explorer while logged into the actual machine and the Explorer works. It gives the same error as before but proceeds to connect anyway.
2. We are not using a public/private key
3. Password auth is being used and we've tested with and without auto authentication
4. Same result occurred without variables

Any timeline for a fix for this?

It looks like at this point I'll have to write a batch program that uses winscp. While definitely not desirable its better than nothing.


We would like to see this in action. Please try to schedule a screen share by writing to
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Has this moved on an been looked at ?

I also have had this issue for a while now and haven't seen any resolution as yet.

I cannot share details or give test accounts to try as the server the files are being sent to, are NOT our servers.

Can someone pick this up please, as the issue isn't going to magically disappear, although customers might.


Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: BSetegn 

1. Yes, I used the explorer while logged into the actual machine and the Explorer works. It gives the same error as before but proceeds to connect anyway.
2. We are not using a public/private key
3. Password auth is being used and we've tested with and without auto authentication
4. Same result occurred without variables

Any timeline for a fix for this?

It looks like at this point I'll have to write a batch program that uses winscp. While definitely not desirable its better than nothing.


We would like to see this in action. Please try to schedule a screen share by writing to

Originally Posted by: jstockley 

Has this moved on an been looked at ?

I also have had this issue for a while now and haven't seen any resolution as yet.

I cannot share details or give test accounts to try as the server the files are being sent to, are NOT our servers.

Can someone pick this up please, as the issue isn't going to magically disappear, although customers might.


Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: BSetegn 

1. Yes, I used the explorer while logged into the actual machine and the Explorer works. It gives the same error as before but proceeds to connect anyway.
2. We are not using a public/private key
3. Password auth is being used and we've tested with and without auto authentication
4. Same result occurred without variables

Any timeline for a fix for this?

It looks like at this point I'll have to write a batch program that uses winscp. While definitely not desirable its better than nothing.


We would like to see this in action. Please try to schedule a screen share by writing to

We need at least one that can supply us with a test account to verify this. Without it we are stuck with the error which means that Keyboard authentication failed. The question is what your server requires, password, keyword or public key authentication? Please check any other client log to see what is really used.

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