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Ben Graham
We installed VC 8.1.2 19353 on July 5th and have since seen a large increase in CPU utilization to the point where our tasks are running much slower and the operating system is very unresponsive (RDP will get dropped, task manager shows 100% CPU utilization , etc).

We always had a lot going on with Visual Cron but the system remained responsive and everything ran well. It seems like since we installed the new build tasks can run very slowly.

We are also seeing numerous DEBUG level messages in the server log. I have verified we do not have extended debug logging turned on in the Log Settings. Oddjob server can take up to 15 or 20 minutes to restart.

Can you please advise on how we can diagnose/fix this issue?
Forum information
Which Task types are you running a lot of? Is it possible that you can install ANTS Memory Profiler an attach to the process and take a sample and send to us?
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Ben Graham
We are running many tasks including Powershell, SQL, SSIS, batch files, some native Visual Cron functions, sending email, etc. We use VC heavily.

Here is something to think about. I am concerned the server it is running on is simply not powerful enough for the demands we are placing on it. In situations where the server is "maxed out" do you normally see a high CPU utilization for VC or should we expect it to stay low even though there is pressure on the system resources from the processes VC is running?

I will ask our server support team about installing the ANTS memory profiler.

Originally Posted by: Ben Graham 

We are running many tasks including Powershell, SQL, SSIS, batch files, some native Visual Cron functions, sending email, etc. We use VC heavily.

Here is something to think about. I am concerned the server it is running on is simply not powerful enough for the demands we are placing on it. In situations where the server is "maxed out" do you normally see a high CPU utilization for VC or should we expect it to stay low even though there is pressure on the system resources from the processes VC is running?

I will ask our server support team about installing the ANTS memory profiler.

It depends. There are so many Variables to it - it could mean that the server is not dimensioned for what you are trying to do.. Sorry, I mean ANTS Performance profiler (not memory).
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Ben Graham
Hi, it looks like this was related to a very heavily burdened ROBOCOPY process that was doing a lot of comparisons. I have deactivated this and am going to try to figure out a smarter way to do it.
Originally Posted by: Ben Graham 

Hi, it looks like this was related to a very heavily burdened ROBOCOPY process that was doing a lot of comparisons. I have deactivated this and am going to try to figure out a smarter way to do it.

Thanks for the update!
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