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I'm working on a VC job to extract data from an Access database file. I created a System DSN for the file in ODBC Data Sources (32-bit). In VC, when I start to create a new SQL connection and choose "Use existing data source", I see nothing under System DSN. If i create it as a User DSN, I can see it listed, but when I test the connection in VC I get the following error:

"Connection test failed. Error: ERROR [IM002][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"

We're using VC v.8.0.2, running on Windows Server 2012 R2.
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I forgot to mention that I was able to use this ODBC DSN to pull data into Excel on the same machine.
Try creating a 64 bit ODBC DSN - VisualCron runs in 64 bit by default and cannot access 32 bit ones.
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If I go into ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit), the only driver available for a new DSN is SQL Server.
Thanks. That thread is actually a bit outdated. Microsoft does have a 64-bit Access driver here: 
However, they don't support installing it on a computer that has a 32-bit office installation on it.
I've been able to successfully test querying the Access database by setting up a temporary server with a trial install of VC and the 64-bit Access driver. I'm using it now to create the queries I need. What I don't know yet is whether I'll be able to install the 64-bit ODBC driver on the computer that we're actually going to run this process from.
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