Changes so far in this version:
[FEATURE] Client/Server: HTTP Task->Added support for Client certificates
[FEATURE] Client: Server settings->Improved loading speed
[FEATURE] Client: Connection explorer->Improved loading speed
[FEATURE] API: Added Server.ExportSettings method
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task->Removed ;1 from ODBC stored procedures
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Several improvements to Job/Task progress
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Desktop Macro Task->Fixed various problems related to UAC
[BUGFIX] API: Foreground execution->Execute Task->Fixed a problem killing child processes
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Download->Fixed a problem with preserving Modified date
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed convert of (old) Tasks when importing
[BUGFIX] Client: Job/Task progress update fixes
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Fixed a lot of issues concerning Foreground execution and auto logon
[BUGFIX] Server: Execute Task->Now keeping exit code even though "Non zero exit code" is checked (to suppress errors)
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive - Compress->Fixed overwrite/append issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Connections->SQL->Fixed problem with default value "Convert data types"
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive Decompress->Fixed file lock on archive if decompress failed because of broken archive
[BUGFIX] Client: Handled crash when trying to add same Job Variable key twice
[BUGFIX] Server: Conditions->Fixed a problem with setting and using UniqueProcessId
[BUGFIX] Server: AD - Create group Task->Fixed property issues
[BUGFIX] Server: SCP Task->Fixed a problem causing multiple SCP instances running in memory
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified