I have verified this issue on 8.0.0 and 8.0.2 on different servers. Can you please advise if if there is a workaround for this?
The requirement is to move a file from Location A to Location B. We need to report on the success or failure of the file move. However, a file will not always be present in Location A, and the job runs every hour, so we do not want emails unless there is a file to be moved.
What I did to address this is create a job with 2 tasks. The 1st task is a File List and will look for the file in Location A based on a name filter. If the file is not there, it will fail and block the job from running further. It will also not send any notifications. If the file is found, then the 2nd task is run that will move the file. This task will notify on Successes and Failures.
The issue that we are seeing is that if the file is not there, the job runs correctly, blocking the 2nd step and not reporting any issues. On the 1st run of the job when there is a file found, it runs successfully (everything is green and the file is moved), but the notification reports a Failure. All runs after that where the file is present, are notified as Success. The process repeats once there is no file. So if the file is only present every other run, it will always notify as a Fail.
Any help is appreciated.