Recently, we have upgraded our server from version 7.1.9 to 7.6.0 (highest available with our license). Ever since the upgrade, the client crashes every time we start a job that contains a pop-up task (e.g. user input for a subsequent task etc.). Error details:
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at VisualCronAPI.PopupAPI.ShowPopup(TaskPopupClass tpc, String strJobName, String strTaskName, JobClass jc, TaskClass tc, String prevTaskId, TaskNotificationClass tn, Boolean bolTest, Server s, Int32 TaskPId, MessageClass message)
at frmMain2.KMFHIPMCCBCANHAHCKKGOHMDJBHKFEIHPKCB(Server& , MessageClass ) in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCron\Main\frmMain2.vb:line 474
Please help. We are even willing to downgrade to fix this - which version would be safe to downgrade to?
Thanks a million.
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