It seems that you are using VisualCron .NET API, not the VisualCron Web API so I have edited the subject to avoid misunderstanding.
Output and error output is associated with a Task in a Job so first you should:
1. Get a list of Tasks in the Job
2. For each Task in the list,
you can get the 'StandardError'.
For sample code on how to accomplish 1 and 2, please refer to the sample project provided in the API folder of the VisualCron installation directory.
Please find some relevant excerpts from this project below:
void Processes_TaskProcessEndedStatic(ref Server server, VCTaskProcessClass tpc)
if (tpc.HasStandardOutput)
LogTaskOutputClass taskOutput = server.Log.GetTaskOutput(tpc.UniqueId, tpc.TaskId, tpc.TaskPId);
if (taskOutput != null)
// taskOutput.StandardError