I tested today with 8.0.1 (beta) and I think it's not all good. The result of this test is different than I expected..
I have a job with one file copy task.
In this task, with the default settings, I have two file copy lines.
the 1st copies a file which is not there.
the 2nd copies a real file.
The result of this task is success. I think it should fail
If you swap the 1st and the 2nd, result is still success. which fould be failed in my point of view.
If you leave only the file copy line which copies a file which is not there, the task failed. That's good.
If you have multiple copy lines and one will fail, the task result is success, which should be failed...
The above results are different than I expected to be. In version 7 I believe the task fails if a copy lilne fails and stop doing the copy lines in the task after the failed one. In 8.0.1 all the lines are handled (better) but the task result will not be failed if one copy line fails. It only fails when there is only one copy line which fails.
What should be the proper way to do the file copy error handling?
Uses Visualcron since 2006.