Good afternoon.
Looking for some guidance and or help on what the limitations are of a ZIP file are within VisualCron for Extracting.
I have received a large file from a client who changed the method of creating their zip files from WinZip to the Compress function in VisualStudio. In doing so they have sent me the largest ZIP file to date but I am trying to diagnose if it is the compression method being used or a file size limitation of VC.
The file in question arrives as a just larger than 10GB ZIP. I am able to unpack it using 7ZIP to a 47GB collection of files.
When VC attempt to unpack it it fails with the following error:
Exception in Task: System.Exception: System.NotSupportedException: Unknown header: 9940301
at SharpCompress.Common.Zip.ZipHeaderFactory.ReadHeader(UInt32 headerBytes, BinaryReader reader)
at SharpCompress.Common.Zip.SeekableZipHeaderFactory.<ReadSeekableHeader>d__2.MoveNext()
at SharpCompress.Archive.Zip.ZipArchive.<LoadEntries>d__2.MoveNext()
at SharpCompress.LazyReadOnlyCollection`1.LazyLoader.MoveNext()
at OBOKIIHBDBPMCFALPGECCIFHCDJPEDKODDGK.IJDAGFJMLJFNHKOCGKCOJOBFEPMLKABILLJK.CDJMFGBLNJDPDEJFDKHPAHBBBBMJAIAOLEGJ() in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\File\Archive\clsProcessTaskArchiveDecompress.vb:line 176 - file: C:\Rubika\VIC\PDFs\
Can you help decipher the message for me? Is the files size too large, or is it the format of the file that is the issue?
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