Hi Dan, welcome to the forum!
You have three tasks you say.
1) the read task is fine, it read a file and you cabn use the output of that task to do other things, like use it in a condition.
2) The email task should be a task sending an e-mail which will only run if the output of the previous task is RJCT. Setup a 'variable condition' to check if the value1: {TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)} equals '=' the value 2: RJCT. In the action of the condition you can set it up to on match all/any to continue the task (it will email), and the match none or error to go to the next task. You could exit if there is an error though. The flow of this task is the default. On success goto next task.
3) this task should alway run, so no conditions here.
This is how it must work. I think you missed the action part of the conditions.
Uses Visualcron since 2006.