I tried to reproduce it and I think I did it 🤤 , here's how:
I have two file write notifications:
1) the job on start flow:f:\jobs\log\{JOB(Active,Name)}-{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.txt (append to file)
Start job | {JOB(Active|CounterProcessId)} | {JOB(Active,Name)}
2) the task on complete flow:f:\jobs\log\{JOB(Active,Name)}-{DATEFORMAT(yyyyMMdd)}.txt (append to file)
{JOB(Active|CounterProcessId)} | {TASK(PrevTask,LastRun,M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.ff tt)}| {TASK(PrevTask,Result)} | {TASK(PrevTask,ExecutionTime)} seconds | {TASK(PrevTask,Name)}
I created a job with three .NET tasks in there.
Job name: Bulktest 1
Tasknames: Bulktest 1 - task 1 / Bulktest 1 - task 2 / Bulktest 1 - task 3
the output of the .NET task is for all three tasks: Bulktest 1
I setup the notifications as mentioned above
I made a loop for task 1 to 3 running it 50 times.
I made a clone of this job, modifing the 'Bulktest 1' text to 'Bulktest 2'. So for the jobname, tasksnames and the .NET output.
I made another clone making it Bulktest 3
the last job I created runs all three jobs at once at random order.
I used three start jop tasks for this which are not waiting to complete the task before going to the next run job task.
When I fire this 'run Bulktest' job it generates three log files named Bulktest 1 - 📅.txt / Bulktest 3 - 📅.txt / Bulktest 3 - 📅.txt
Every bulktest log file should have only entries of their own bulktest nr, but it isn't.
Bulktest 1 - 📅.txt******************************************************************************************************************
Start job | 4 | Bulktest 1
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:22.76 AM| Success | 0.826 seconds | Bulktest 3 - task 1
Bulktest 3
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:23.58 AM| Success | 0.888 seconds | Bulktest 1 - task 2
Bulktest 1
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:24.67 AM| Success | 0.612 seconds | Bulktest 2- task 3
Bulktest 2
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:25.36 AM| Success | 0.865 seconds | Bulktest 1 - task 1
Bulktest 1
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:26.33 AM| Success | 0.78 seconds | Bulktest 1 - task 2
Bulktest 1
4 | 5/21/2015 8:40:27.14 AM| Success | 1.093 seconds | Bulktest 1 - task 3
Bulktest 1
Bulktest 2-📅.txt******************************************************************************************************************
Start job | 5 | Bulktest 2
5 | 5/21/2015 8:40:22.76 AM| Success | 0.826 seconds | Bulktest 3 - task 1
Bulktest 3
5 | 5/21/2015 8:40:23.69 AM| Success | 0.906 seconds | Bulktest 2 - task 2
Bulktest 2
5 | 5/21/2015 8:40:24.67 AM| Success | 0.612 seconds | Bulktest 2- task 3
Bulktest 2
5 | 5/21/2015 8:40:25.47 AM| Success | 0.956 seconds | Bulktest 2 - task 1
Bulktest 2
Bulktest 3-📅.txt******************************************************************************************************************
Start job | 6 | Bulktest 3
6 | 5/21/2015 8:40:22.76 AM| Success | 0.826 seconds | Bulktest 3 - task 1
Bulktest 3
6 | 5/21/2015 8:40:23.69 AM| Success | 0.906 seconds | Bulktest 2 - task 2
Bulktest 2
6 | 5/21/2015 8:40:24.67 AM| Success | 0.612 seconds | Bulktest 2- task 3
Bulktest 2
6 | 5/21/2015 8:40:25.36 AM| Success | 0.865 seconds | Bulktest 1 - task 1
Bulktest 1
As you can see the entries are wrong. They all should have their own bluktest nr in there.
I hope this helpes solving this issue.
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified
Uses Visualcron since 2006.