Changes so far:
Changes in 7.5.2
[NOTE] All: New protocol version (7.5.2) for communication. Requires Server and Client version to be the same.
[FEATURE] Server: HTTP Task->Now resolving "Content-Disposition" to get name of file attachments downloaded
[FEATURE] API/Client/Server: Changed the way VisualCron communicates to improve speed and stability
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Connections->SQL Connection test is now performed from Server instead of Client giving more exact result (also with Credential option)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Connections->WebDAV->Added support for SSL/TLS version support
[FEATURE] Client/Server: FTP/SFTP->Download->Added support for replacing unsupported Windows characters
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Variables->Any non-letter character can be used as parameter split character. Start by using the first character in argument that you want to use, for example: {FILE(@Content@c:\textfile.txt)}
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Web service Task->Added custom endpoint option to override any existing end point
[BUGFIX] Server: PowerShell Task->Handling large output error "The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data."
[BUGFIX] Client: Import settings->Fixed a problem when trying to import all settings when only some settings selected
[BUGFIX] Client: FTP Explorer->Fixed handling of Binary/ASCII setting
[BUGFIX] Client: Credentials->Fixed alphabetical sorting in combos
[BUGFIX] Client: Grid filter->Handled a problem with backslashes in the grid filter
[BUGFIX] Server: Excel - Create Task->Fixed a problem with creating password encrypted file
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive - Decompress->Fixed a memory leak while extracting
[BUGFIX] API/Client/Server: Fixed a problem calculating next run of Trigger on invalid dates
[BUGFIX] Server: Web service Task->Fixed a problem executing certain web services
[BUGFIX] Server: PowerShell Task->Fixed a problem with Variables not resolving in parameters
[BUGFIX] Client: Variables->Fixed a problem changing name of cloned Variable
[BUGFIX] Server: Delete files Task->Fixed a problem with deleting empty sub folders
[BUGFIX] API: AD->Timeout increased on AD queries
[BUGFIX] Server: Job report Task->Fixed encoding and various issues
[BUGFIX] Server: SSISDB Task->Now translating Connection string Variables properly
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified