I noticed that some changes were made to FTP actions and was having issues in version 4.9.37. We downloaded beta 5 and put it on a test machine to see if it would resolve our problems and we still cannot download the file.
We are using an SFTP connection and, according to the VisualCron output, we successfully log in to the server, change to the directory that has the file and then it stops. There is no other output. I have turned on both options that send incoming and outgoing messages to the task output. Here is what I see:
Server key received (DSA). Fingerprint is xxxxxxxxxxxx
Changed folder to: HOME
I can see the file in the HOME folder and am able to download it manually. I was browsing the help forums and found this conversation:
http://www.visualcron.co...t.aspx?g=posts&t=343 . I tried using * to download the file but still no luck. Is there anything else I can try?