Hi Henrik
If I could offer my thoughts? I use the Expand/Collapse functionality all the time as we just have so many Servers, Groups, Jobs and Tasks. However, I feel it is not particularly efficient because:
1. You have to click on the 'Interface' tab (and possibly other tabs until you remember which tab it is actually in)!
2. Then you have to click once on the 'Expand all' icon - this expands all jobs/groups/servers
3. Then you have to click once again on the 'Expand all' icon - this then collapses all jobs/groups/servers
4. Then, more often than not, you have to click back on the 'Server' tab as that is where I will mostly be working
So, a minimum of 4 mouse clicks just to try and clean up the workspace - okay, not a great deal of effort but when you have to do this multiple times a day..........
You have a '+','-' next to the Localhost bar, Group bar and then each Job. Perhaps it makes sense to also add a '+','-' next to the 'Host/User' bar also, to replicate or replace the Expand all/Collapse all menu option?
And/Or, allow (function) key strokes to be mapped to particular VC functions?