A recent migration of application server (Win2k3x64 > Win2k8x64) also required us to migrate the VisualCron server. This change was successful and the de- & activation of the license on the new server went smoothly. We kept using the same VisualCron version, 6.2.1. We imported all the settings from the old server and made the necessary adjustments for the new server in various tasks & jobs.
A number of jobs kick off batch processes and report generating task for our business application. After the migration we receive an error message for a range of tasks in jobs that before the migration ran without problems.
Error: "Unable to start process: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it"
On another Win2k8 server that hosts another instance of the same applications, including VisualCron, doesn't show this error. The batch & report tasks we kick of there end up in the 'Interactive Services' are aka console session '0'. On the server with the above error the batches don't make it that far.
S.Servicedesk attached the following image(s):