Changes so far:
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Loop->Added option to start from a specific row when using For each (to exclude headers etc)
[FEATURE] API: Loop->Added methods for adding and deleting Job Variables
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SQL Task/Trigger: Now prefixing with schema in front of stored procedures
[FEATURE] Client: .NET code Task->Added option to add direct file reference
[BUGFIX] Server->Crystal reports Task->Fixed a problem using certain Variables in this Task
[BUGFIX] Server->Hyper-V List Task->Fixed an issue where a property name could be different in some systems resulting in SID instead of Name is returned - further fixes
[BUGFIX] Client->Manage PGP key rings->Fixed issue when importing private key only
[BUGFIX] Server->WebDAV Tasks->Fixed an issue transferring files to and from some WebDAV servers
[BUGFIX] Server->Task Flow->Fixed issue with On start - Run Job
[BUGFIX] Server->PowerShell Task->Fixed an issue that could cause problems with blank spaces in paths to scripts
[BUGFIX] Client->.NET code Task->Handled test Run of scripts that uses the API better so they do not conflict with the Client
[BUGFIX] Server->SQL Task->Removed an extra newline that was added accidentally with the support for multiple query result
[BUGFIX] Server->Office macro->Fixed a false postive error when no macro file was found
[BUGFIX] Client->FTP Tasks->Fixed issue referencing to the right Job Variable in Variables window
[BUGFIX] Server->Database->Fixed minor issues cleaning up local database
[BUGFIX] Server->File Trigger->Added different Reconnect handling in case of connection problems to avoid impersonation errors
[BUGFIX] Server->Variables->Fixed a problem with TrimStart and TrimEnd function
[BUGFIX] Client->DTS Task->Fixed problem with updating parameters in the UI
[BUGFIX] Server->SSISDB Task->Fixed a problem returning failed result
[BUGFIX] Server->Checksum Task->Fixed a problem with zeroes in the checksum
[BUGFIX] Server->Crystal reports Task->Fixed a problem cloning parameters
[BUGFIX] Server->SSISDB Task and more->Fixed a problem with timeout of connection generating error
[BUGFIX] Server->Microsoft CRM Task->Fixed an issue filling some entity ids
[BUGFIX] Server->Running processes->Fixed a rounding issue when calculating number of hours
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified