Changes in this version so far:
[FEATURE] Server->SQL Task->Now including output from multiple tables
[FEATURE] Client/Server->Added Run Job X with options right click functionality
[FEATURE] Client/Server->PowerShell Task->Modified to be more independent and support impersonation better
[FEATURE] Client/Server->VisualCron Trigger->Created new types for just "Inactivated Trigger" and "Inactivated by error"
[FEATURE] Client/Server->Job/Task control Task->Added support for all actions in remote mode
[BUGFIX] Server->Job Variables->Fixed a scenario which handling Job Variables could cause a crash
[BUGFIX] Server->Email Task->Fixed a problem with sending using an anonymous account
[BUGFIX] Client->Job/Task Control Task->Fixed issue not displaying some properties right when using remote Connection
[BUGFIX] Server->SSISDB->Filtered out variables from project and package parameters
[BUGFIX] Client->Time exceptions->Fixed new date sorting issue
[BUGFIX] Client->Fixed a Disconnect Server and Connect Server issue which could resulted in a message like "You are not connected to any Server"
[BUGFIX] Client/Server->Export settings->Fixed a problem exporting specific Users to a specific path
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified