Changes in this version so far:
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New translation engine for delivering faster and more translations to other languages
[FEATURE] Server->Performance counter Trigger->More efficient code that now supports remote performance counter
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Upload->Fixed a problem with that source file was deleted even though nothing was uploaded
[BUGFIX] Logging->Events->Fixed an issue with logging problems with SQL Connections
[BUGFIX] Client->Editing Task->Fixed an issue with Previous and Next button and saving some Task information
[BUGFIX] Server->Fixed an issue with On Task error->Do not raise error setting
[BUGFIX] Server->File Trigger (Samba)->Fixed a reconnect issue (not re-setting properties)
[BUGFIX] Server->FTP->Fixed a problem retrieving current folder too many times
[BUGFIX] Server->Remote file filter test->Fixed an issue with multiple source folders split by semicolon
[BUGFIX] Client->Remote file Trigger->Fixed issue with selecting "Delete files" only
[BUGFIX] Client->Manage PGP key rings->Fixed an issue deleting keys
[BUGFIX] Client->Fixed an unhandled exception when doing Object search
[BUGFIX] Server->Amazon S3->Added support for uploading < 5GB files
[BUGFIX] Server->VisualCron Trigger->Fixed an issue with Job Variables
[BUGFIX] Server->Powershell->Fixed a Credential issue (accessing network files)
[BUGFIX] Server->Variables->Fixed a problem using certain strings in the DATENOWADD Variable in file filter
[BUGFIX] Server->Notifications->Fixed issue with not (directly) saving TaskNotifications.xml after importing
[BUGFIX] Client->Time exceptions->Fixed date sorting
[BUGFIX] Server->Fixed a general renaming issue when working with string (for example calculating destination name with file masks) that in some cases could cause problems
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified