Scenario 1 - Execute Task with *many* ArgumentsHere is the original Arguments (that worked with 7.1.0 but not in 7.1.6 for us)
SQL_Incremental_Import.ps1 {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB Host)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB Port)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF Database)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF ADMIN)}} {'{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF ADMIN PWD)}'} {{USERVAR(OneStop Server Filepath - Input)}} {{USERVAR(SQL_SQLName)}_{JOB(Active,Variable,VisualCron_ProcessDate)}} {{JOB(Active,Variable,SQLName)}}
Here is the revised Arguments for 7.1.6 (that simply replaces the Job Variable references with a user variable set to the Job Variable in a prior task).
SQL_Incremental_Import.ps1 {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB Host)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB Port)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF Database)}} {{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF ADMIN)}} {'{USERVAR(OSS - ENV TEST - DB REF ADMIN PWD)}'} {{USERVAR(OneStop Server Filepath - Input)}} {{USERVAR(SQL_SQLName)}_{JOB(Active,Variable,VisualCron_ProcessDate)}} {{USERVAR(SQL_SQLName)}}
Note the other Job Variable in the Arguments {JOB(Active,Variable,VisualCron_ProcessDate)}
continued to Work fine . . . . so I Didn't change this one.
i.e. value of User Variable SQL_SQLName = {JOB(Active,Variable,SQLName)}
Scenario 2 - PowerShell Script Text with Trigger VariablesHave included a with 2 Job Examples (1 with each) and a second zip with the 2 Powershells and a Sample File that should allow you to replicate the issue in 7.1.6 on a local server / client
You will see in the Jobs that it uses a trigger which looks for the file in C:\Temp
Hope that's what you were after
Edited by user
Reason: Add Scenario 2 Material
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