Changes so far:
[FEATURE] Client: Email Task->Updated HTML editor
[FEATURE] VCCommand: Added support for activate/deactivate license
[FEATURE] Installer: Now prompting with original path when installing
[FEATURE] Client: FTP Task->Added Copy/Move command
[BUGFIX] API: Variables->Fixed problem parsing Task Variable with direct Id
[BUGFIX] API/Server: Popup Notification->Fixed problem with PrevTask Variable
[BUGFIX] Server: Processes->Fixed issue that could cause problems with "Running Jobs window" and keeping track of running Jobs
[BUGFIX] API: Variables->Fixed a problem parsing Variables
[BUGFIX] Server: Database->Fixed a problem deleting old entries in the Audit log
[BUGFIX] Client: Running jobs->Fixed a display problem when Jobs were running more than 24 hours
[BUGFIX] Server: Handled an issue with copying SQL CE files
[BUGFIX] Client: Main window->Handled an issue with the GridFilter becoming inactive
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Trigger->Fixed an issue with storing and comparing the last value
[BUGFIX] Server: Folder filter->Fixed a problem parsing the right folder when using regular expressions
[BUGFIX] Server: Run missed Jobs (because of Time change etc) did not take Time exceptions into account - fixed
[BUGFIX] Server: Impersonation: added check if profile directory exists before loading it to avoid profile directory creation by VisualCron
[BUGFIX] Client: Popup Task Notification: Fixed an issue with preview button
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Handled sanitation of output/result that could interrupt communication
[BUGFIX] Client: .NET Code Condition->Handled a problem with saving parameters
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified