Hello All,
could you please help me to find the source of the following error?
the same error is traced on event viewer, but I don't understand the reason of the issue. It seems that task can't write on the network drive, could you suggest me if I on the right way? If it so, it could be enough add on Task to repeat task more time in case of erro?
thanks a lot
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Task started: Archivia Storia Log Orders EDI Tesi (10705)
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Debug Impersonation result 1: <ImpersonationResultClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><LoggedOn>true</LoggedOn><ProfileLoaded>true</ProfileLoaded><UsingLocalLogon>true</UsingLocalLogon><ImpersonatedAs>LSIT\administrator</ImpersonatedAs><ErrorOccured>false</ErrorOccured><ErrorString /></ImpersonationResultClass>
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Impersonation result 2: True
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Err An unhandled error has occured (please send the information below to
Server version: - (2012-03-27 15.08.43)
Protocol: 6.0.1
OS: Windows2003
Architecture: x86
System.IO.IOException: Not enough server storage is available to process this command.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.WriteCore(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushWrite(Boolean calledFromFinalizer)
at System.IO.FileStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.Stream.Close()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Sending error report to
www.visualcron.com 24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Starting restarter...
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down running processes
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down event triggers
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down listener.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Shutting down socket
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Shutdown of socket reached final stage
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Saving Jobs (63)
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Saving Jobs
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Err TimePutter exits
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: f7ad4694-f284-43f6-8e55-959d5301a67c ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Removed handlers for connection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Removed handlers for connection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Entering RemoveConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Entering RemoveConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass picked up.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass deactivated.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection removed from dictionary.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 was removed
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass picked up.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass deactivated.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection removed from dictionary.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection: f7ad4694-f284-43f6-8e55-959d5301a67c was removed
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug File trigger event has been ended, trigger: Verifica creazione/rinomina file in txt nella cartella SAPSW\IN
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Err TimePicker exits
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Task process was aborted by user.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Jobs saved (2671675)
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug Ending DBLogger
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug InternalWorkerThread has exited
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Using normal logon (False)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info Verifying license, loaded (True)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug License status (VerifyLicense): Activated
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info User "VisualCron Tray Client User" (TrayClientUser) - Logged in succesfully through IPC (9a25541c-4a6c-427b-9321-c6f88c5550ae)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Updating login status for: 9a25541c-4a6c-427b-9321-c6f88c5550ae
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Comm IN: SERVERSETTINGSREQ
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Server time: 24/03/2014 17.04.07
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Comm IN: LICENSEREQ
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info ServerId: 70e175eb-2ee5-4c3f-b660-bbcc2e46edcf