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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Having trouble with the task order in a job with a total of 63 tasks - there seems to be a problem with the task order beyond task number 59.

It came to my attention because one of the tasks towards the end would not run - the task sequence order showed two tasks with the same number, and the second one wasn't working at that time.

When double-clicking on the job, and viewing the tasks there, I found when I select a specific task, the task sequence number in the "change task order" selection box does not match the task sequence number in the left column, for the tasks above task 59, and there are some task order numbers that are duplicated there as well.

Up to task 59, it is normal - when I select task 59, the task sequence number in the "change task order" is the same as the task sequence number in the column.

But when I go down to what should be task 60 - the left column says it is task 60, but the "change task order" selection box says that it is also task number 59.

Then what should be task 61, the left column says is task 60 (again), and the "change task order" selection box says that it is task 59 (again.)

On what should be task 62, the left column says it is task 60 (again), and the "change task order" selection box says that it is task 59 (again.)

On what should be task 63, the left column says it is task 62, and the "change task order" selection box says that it is task 59 (again.)

The exact sequence numbers have changed on the affected tasks beyond task 59 while I have been looking at it - even when I haven't made any changes! But consistently the tasks over task 59 are really flakey when it comes to their sequence numbers. I can't get them to order in the desired sequence - i.e. I can't use the "change task order" selection box to assign a task the correct sequence number. And the ones that have duplicate sequence numbers sometimes don't work at all (though I was eventually able to get all the tasks to run, even with the duplicate sequence numbers.)

Forum information
1. How did you create these Tasks - was it from cloning?
2. There is no special behavior for Tasks over 59 (we have no limit). But we suspect that the Tasks were created/cloned in another way resulting in that you get the same Order for several Tasks.
3. Is it possible that you could export your Job and send to
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Yes, it was from cloning.

When there is a long sequence of tasks (in this case, a bunch of deletes), usually each task is cloned from the immediate predecessor - perhaps something odd happened in this case.

I will export the job and send it to you.
  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I just encountered the duplicate task sequence numbers on another job - in this case, I was using copy/paste to reuse a similar task between jobs. It's possible that that is how the tasks were created in the job mentioned above, but had forgotten.

Additionally, in case it makes a difference, when I use the copy/paste, I'm using it from a client that has been upgraded - but I'm using on servers that are on an older version, prior to the copy/paste functionality. It seemed to work, but I'm wondering if that could account for the odd problems.
The inner workings should be that the order is increased on the newly added item. This has to be tested again from our side before we get back to you.
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