Changes in 7.1.4
[NOTE] Database: New version of database for logging. Historic events will be cleared from this version.
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Introducing Audit logs
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Introducing Version logs
[FEATURE] Client: Assembly Task->Added support for using Variables in date time data type
[FEATURE] Client: Object relations->Search updated
[FEATURE] Client: FTP Task->Added override options for Transfer type in Connection for Download/Upload commands
[FEATURE] Client/Server: HTTP Task->Added different authentication types
[BUGFIX] Client: Tasks->Fixed a problem with non-responsive Edit button
[BUGFIX] Server: Folder delete Task->Fixed a problem converting old settings to new
[BUGFIX] Client: Calendar->Fixed another bug where the calendar - calculcating next executions
[BUGFIX] Server: SSIS DB Task->Fixed a problem with supplying project parameters
[BUGFIX] Client: Attachments->Fixed problems accessing some Job Variables in Email Task/Notification
[BUGFIX] Client: Log->Fixed an issue in the realtime log when open over night
[BUGFIX] Client: Calendar->Fixed an issue with showing scheduled Jobs in the future
[BUGFIX] Server: Variables->Fixed an issue with using File Conent Variable with Credentials
[BUGFIX] API: Sync->Now sending permissions if sync is off
Quick start documentation about Audit logs
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified