Thanks for the information. So if I read this correctly, this code searches for any certificate with "vc" somewhere in the subject name (FindBySubjectName, according to MSDN, performs a case-insensitive string comparison looking for the supplied value (vc) contained within (not matching) the certificate subject name) and if it finds more than two, it deletes the offending certificate?
I find what I assume are VisualCron certficiates (vc and myvc)in the Local Computer, Personal store, which is where IIS stores its related website SSL certs as well. Our problem is that we have a certificate for a server which includes "**.vcn.***" as part of a fully qualified domain name of the server in question.
As a workaround, I have created a VisualCron job that reinstalls my certificate at boot, but it still concerns me as this is a major website for our business and cannot tolerate any downtime. If for some reason the VisaulCron job does not run, or runs late, it can cause website downtime. When the certificate is removed, it breaks SSL on the website and prevents our vendors from connecting until the certificate is reloaded and the private key reassociated.
Is there a way to disable the SSL feature of VisualCron so it does not perform this action? If not, what is the expected release/version of VisualCron that will not contain this code?