I have a lot of automated tasks running on Linux/shell scripts. Now I am evaluating possibilities to consolidate all automated tasks to a single Windows server. So I downloaded VC trial today. After playing with VC I found I am too much shell scripts oriented and soon got lost with VC, specially how variables are handled. So many options and screens...
Some real world examples I need to solve:
1. Bunch of pdf-files is stored to local network volume several times a day
- for each pdf file name should be corrected by keeping only first 13 charaters + file extension (there is in between some additional characters)
- after renaming convert each .pdf file to jpeg in three sizes and save each(1234567890123_small.jpg, 1234567890123_medium.jpg and 1234567890123_high.jpg). For image conversion we use ImageMagick "mogrify -define pdf:use-cropbox=true -flatten - etc...". Keep the original renamed .pdf too.
- log every file renamed and converted (check out what mogrify resulted, did it save files)
- do this every 30 minutes or by trigger (a new pdf saved to source folder)
2. Download a text file (lets say catalog.txt) from FTP server (sourceftp) to local volume (/download) using user name "ftpuser" and password "ftppass"
- after download make a backup of the file (to /backups
- convert file line breaks CR to CRLF
- upload converted file to SFTP-server (partnerftp) username "sftpuser", using keyfile from /keys
- log actions done
- do this once a day in the morning 6 am
So any help would be good to get me going. 😁
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