I have a solution for you, but this is using a 3rd party utility (freeware) called LMOD from Horst Schaeffer.
The version I tested this with is 1.3
I did not include a link to the utility (don't know id I'm allowed to do so) but google for it and it is you 1st hit.
What you do is the following:
Task : Execute
Command : C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
Arguments: /C ECHO {TRIGGER(Active,LastTrigger,File.Result.Name)} | LMOD /s. [$!]
(set the working dir to the LMOD dir)
What does it do? You echo the filename and you send the output toLMOD (with the use of the pipe).
With the /s you give a delimiter, so /s. uses the . as delimiter.
Between the [] stands the full echo output, but if you use a $ you can get a specific part if you use a delemiter (and we do).
With the $! you get the last part.
So the output of the task will be the extention of the filename (whitou the period).
If you do want the period, use the following arguments:
/C ECHO {TRIGGER(Active,LastTrigger,File.Result.Name)} | LMOD /s. .[$!]
There is a period just before the [$!]
Hope this can help you with your jobs. 🖐
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Uses Visualcron since 2006.